Research reveals workplace toilets leading to unhappiness at work

Research by the Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors (APHC) reveals disturbing insights into the negative impact that the state of workplace toilets are having on workers.

APHC surveyed over 1,000 workers in England and Wales about the condition of the toilets at their place of work. Their research found 43.8% of the people surveyed felt their workplace toilets needed to be better maintained. And when asked if their workplace toilets require updating or refurbishing, 44.4% said they did.

The survey revealed London as having the worst workplace toilets with 50.9% of workers surveyed believing they need to be better maintained and require refurbishing.

Shockingly, 16.5% of workers stated that the current condition of their workplace toilets negatively impacts their happiness at work. This figure rises to 20% in Wales and to 20.9% in the South-East of England.

John Thompson, chief executive of APHC, said: “There are too many employers who are seemingly neglecting the up-keep and maintenance of their toilet facilities. Employers have a legal requirement to adhere to. The Health & Safety Executive states that where it is reasonably practicable, employers have to provide adequate toilet and washing facilities for employees.

“From a commercial point of view, investment in employee well-being is crucial for a business in order to be successful, as an unhappy workforce can cost employers dearly in reduced productivity, low quality levels, increased sick-leave and in staff turnover with the recruitment and training of new members of staff.”
