Time is of the essence

A high-engineered suspension system that is up to 20% quicker to install has been launched by Armstrong Ceiling Solutions.

The TLS metal hook cross tees is manufactured from solid steel and engineered with total precision.

The functionality of TLS is characterised by three key elements. It is simple and safe to install due to a secure hook design. It aligns and sets into position with an audible click, guaranteeing ceiling stability and self-squaring, and it features a solid clip manufactured from pre-shaped steel, for stronger and more secure connections that lock into place.

Ideal for commercial applications, the ergonomic design of the pre-shaped Prelude 24mm TLS ensures it is faster to install and demount from the universal main runner.

It also lies flush to the main runner, providing a streamlined aesthetic to the fully finished ceiling, while for installers, pre-shaped embossments on the clip increase rigidity and also control rotation.

Isabel Blanco, marketing and sales coordinator UK, Ireland and Southern Africa, said: “Our customers’ expectations for performance made us innovate which is why we are excited to introduce TLS.”

